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Geometric toy etc
STAR CAGE Architect and designer Akio Hizume's web site. He invented Star Cage #5 and Tomagari-nato. You can see architectures based on golden ratio etc.

Juno's World Junichi Yananose's web site.You can see many original barr puzzles,VRML gallery,polyhedral CG. And he is an inventor of Juno's Spinner.

Ben Trumbore's Home Page You can find Origami spring as "Spring Into Action".you can know what kind of paper is good and how to make it.

VALETT DESIGN Conrad Valett and Jochen Valett's web site.You can find many mobiles and toys like Toroflux. And you can order those at online shop.

ArchiTrash Architect Akihiro Azuma's web site. You can find "Forward-Reflector" which is magical object "Transparent Object Made by Opaque Material".

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